Page 54 - Konsens 2015
P. 54
girls, as honourable Alexander Alvaro, the former German president of the European Parliament already stated in 2006 when visiting the FMP in Kenya. (...)
3. In what way is the solution unique from other approaches that exist in this space? *
What is the new perspective or methodology?
1. The core of the Value-Centered Ap- proach:
It is centred on a certain universal value, namely the equal quality of the human being, the equality of men and women and of people of all colours (...)
Thinking, feeling and acting begins from here, with the goal of implementing and
dissemi-nating this value in the areas we work. That is equal treatment for women and girls (imple-mented primarily by men and boys – and then by women and girls, too), followed by equal participation, equal decision-making and equal self-determina- tion for both males and females.
2. The Value-Centered Approach (VCA) as an innovative scientifically based teach- ing methodology can be taught by special- ly qualified Experts, Equality Experts/ Anti- FGM-Experts who have been trained in the VCA.
3. Twenty Key elements and differences: (...)
4. Share with us your motivation(s). * (...)
New, innovative knowledge must be properly communicated! (...)
The world urgently needs inspiration pro- vided by insights into successful solutions. Above all solutions that involve the imple- mentation of gender equality.
The Value-Centered Approach is such a solution. (...)
Heartfelt thanks.
1 Die Solution ist in ganzer Länge erhältlich über
Nach zwei Jahren: Resolution zu EU-Projekt Domestic Violence:
Zwei Jahre lang hat sich der DAB an dem EU-Projekt Domestic Violence Met by Educated Women beteiligt. Da- durch gewannen die Teilnehmerinnen spannende Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Gesellschaften unserer Part- nerländer. Die Erste DAB-Vorsitzende Dr. Patricica Aden betont dabei: „Es war uns aber auch wichtig, eine Resolution zu verabschieden, die unsere gemeinsamen Überzeugungen auf eine politische Ebene hebt.“
Resolution zu
Domestic violence met by educated women
Grundtvig Project
Final Meeting Project
9th of May 2015
Fighting against Domestic violence against educated women – Responsibility of all Europeans
Domestic violence against women – espe- cially educated women - is a problem in all participating countries of the project, that is Finland, Germany, Romania, Slovenia, Swe-
den. Especially post communist countries are economically weaker and have hence less means to deal with violence on state-so- cial level.
The participant countries consent in fol- lowing statements:
not merely physical but is also an emo- tional/psychological, economic and so- cial problem which has to become more public and discussed openly, by the media and also NGOs.
The participants of the project address the EU to take responsibility for further re- search on this subject, and adapt further practice in educating eu citizens about this subject
• Projects which the focus of intercultural
learning are usefull to change societies and prevent domestic violence.
KONSENS 1/2015
Legislation in every country has to be adapted to the Istanbul convention as Germany has began in 2011 and has to be ratified by every parliament.
Financial dependency of women is a risk factor of becoming a victim. Women have to get a fair chance in order to diminish the pay gap.
Social education has to evolve and be leaned towards the awareness of the oc- currence of domestic violence which is
Das CENTER for PROFS (Praxis-Orientierte Feministische Wissenschaft) wurde
von Prof. Dr. Muthgard Hinkelmann-Toewe gegründet und ist seit 1992 bei den UN (Vereinten Nationen) akkreditiert.